Használati útmutató B-tech BT33

Olvassa el alább 📖 a magyar nyelvű használati útmutatót B-tech BT33 (12 oldal) a hangszóró támogatás kategóriában. Ezt az útmutatót 2 ember találta hasznosnak és 2 felhasználó értékelte átlagosan 4.5 csillagra

Oldal 1/12
w .btechavmounts.comww
This Pack Contains 1 Speaker Mount
Installation Safety Instructions............................................................................................................2
Parts List.............................................................................................................................................4
Installation Instructions.......................................................................................................................6
Product Dimensions..........................................................................................................................11
B-Tech Contact Details.....................................................................................................................12
Crosshead /
Flathead screwdriver
Drill 6 (1/4") masonry bitmm
or 3 (1/8") wood bitmm
Pencil Level
Stud finder
REG DESIGN NO: 4010389
PA ENT NO: 154659T 9
US PATENT N 7523906O:
D gned f sm me cinema ak ghing esi or all ho spe ers wei
up to 5kg 1lbs) (1
Mounts speaker only 72mm (2.8") from wall
Su le for sing poin dual point and keyhole fixings itab le t,
Di a ween dual p fixing st nce bet oint s:
51 - m " - 2.6") 67m (2
S le f akers us g U ¼" & uitab or spe in M5, M6, NC
W d Scre oo ws
Simple installation wi all mounting ware incl d th hard ude
This wall mount is intended for
use only with the maximum weights ndicated. Use i
with speakers heavier than the maximum indicated may
result in instability causing possible injury.
Do not attempt to nstal thi product nt al in ct ons and ing ha read an proper i l s u il l stru i warn s ve been d ly
un od hede tors . Please keep t s nstructions for fut e ref ence. e i ur er
B- ec International Lim ted, bu ors an ea li bl or re onsi for damage orT h i its distri t d d lers are not a e sp ble
in ed im op all improper fai ob ve es ins uct Injury caus by pr er inst ation, use or lure to ser th e safety tr ions.
su cases, guarante will expich all es re.
Ge ralne
B- ec International Ltd re at pro AV nsta ler he uita qua ifT h commends th a fessional i l or ot r s bly l ied
per on inst ll is odu t. at care ust be take ur ng insta lation as st ens a th pr c Gre m always n d i l mo AV equipm t
is of a fr le ture, p s ly d ily da ged i drop . agi na os ib heavy an eas ma f ped
If ou do not full nderst in or are sure ow to st ll this fe then y y u and the structions not h in a pr uc saod t ly,
pl ase con ofes onal for ce and/ sta th produ ou ilu to nt thise sult a pr si advi or to in ll is ct for y . Fa re mou
pro uct orrect cau eri or death both du nst on and time thereafterd c ly may se s ous injury ring i allati at any .
Do not mount any AV uipme a excee specif w limit the uct you are eq nt th t ds the ic eight of prod
in al hi ei ht li it il be ar stat ea pr nd its pa ging nd wi fromst ling. T s w g m w l cle ly ed on ch oduct a cka a ll vary
pro uct uctd to prod .
Product oc iol at n
Ple se carefu ntio er th pro uct is ted. me alls ar not suitabl foa pay l atte n to wh e is d loca So w e e r
in al atst l ion.
If ocated bl or fr en opula are nsu he out im di l in a pu ic equ tly p ted a e re that t product is of the me ate
rea pe e. If ui is suspended over kely pa or ation plch of opl any AV eq pment to be the li th loc o peof e
the ea taken to se all arts ins llatio fr alling.n gr t care should be cure p o the f ta n om f
If ou insta is on al it be ur fixe stud, con re block or y ll th product dryw l must sec ely d to a wooden c te other
per st ctu beh nd board. Insta ling on ywalmanent ru re i the drywall l dr l boards al wi n one ll ot support the
weight of most AV pme . equi nt
When l g es w s it is esse av ntact with el tric bles and gas s dri lin hol in all ntial to oid co ec al ca water or pipe
co with Use a g d lity live wi ctor hid ct lo tor is fore ntained in. of oo qua re dete and den obje ca there
rec nd Only drill into stru ure en ar sur it afe to doomme ed. ct s wh you e e is s so.
Fixing rd ha ware
It re mmended at ll wa be use here pp and at ur of is highly co th a ll fixing screws d w su lied th the p pose all
oth ng har nd too som ca es more qu ar il beer fixi dware is fully u ers d. In e s AV e ipment fixing h dware w l
su ied acc e di ere mo o ui set co igur ions. ppl to ommodat ff nt dels f eq pment and up nf at
The st er mus be i at any s i g w e f each c c in all t sat sfied th uppl ed fixin hard are is suitabl or spe ifi
in al at n. If fixing ws ed re ed su ent fo afe inst onst l io any scre or includ hardwa are d mee not ffici r a s allati
the ase on pro onal or oca ardwn ple c sult a fessi your l l h are store.
Hazard limitation
When i c ke ta of y i cable man e atures th ct g rout ng ables ta advan ge an bu lt in agem nt fe at the produ mi ht
pr ide and nsure ha all ab es are ti nd secur Check ee that any pect of theov e t t c l dy a e. to s moving as
pro uct an nderedd c do so unhi by any cabling.
Som od mo part and otential through the ng trap ng ofe pr ucts have ving s the p to cause injury crushi or pi
fin r ther y s. gers o o bod part
Parti att ion th at of rts is required eci sse ng st llcular ent to e n ure moving pa esp ally when a mbli in a ing and
ad ust ng upj ing duri set .
Im ediate stal ations bl heck hat rk ism ly after in l dou e-c t the wo d e on saf nde a s . le- eck ecure Doub ch all
ne essa ngs pr ent and are tightness.c ry fixi are es of ample
It re de periodi inspec ons of he pr uc its ng ints are made as is commen d that c ti t od t and fixi po frequently
as sible to re a sa ty m n e If in do ns a pr s AV st oth pos ensu th t fe is ai tain d. ubt co ult ofe sional in aller or er
su y qu rson. itabl alified pe
Společnost B-Tech International Ltd. doporučuje provést instalaci tohoto produktu prostřednictvím odborného
instalátora AV či jinak způsobilé osoby. Společnost B-Tech International Ltd, její distributoři a prodejci nenesou
odpovědnost za škody nebo zranění způsobená nevhodnou instalací. Tento robek je nutno umístit do vhod
konstrukce a používat jen po uvedenou maximálníšku.
B-Tech International Ltd. empfiehlt, dass dieses Produkt durch einen qualifizierten AV-Techniker oder eine
andere Person mit geeigneter Qualifikation installiert wird. B-Tech International Ltd, ihre Distributoren und
Händler können nicht für durch fehlerhafte Montage verursachte Beschädigung oder Verletzung haftbar bzw.
verantwortlich gemacht werden. Dieses Produkt muss auf eine geeignetem Untergrund montiert werden und darf
nur bis zum angegebenen Höchstgewicht verwendet werden.
B-Tech International Ltd. recomienda que un instalador de audio y video profesional u otra persona debidamente
cualificada instalen este producto. B-Tech International Ltd, sus distribuidores y concesionarios no se hacen
cargo ni se responsabilizan de ningún daño o lesn provocados por una instalación inapropiada. Este producto
se debe montar en una estructura adecuada y se debe utilizar soportando solamente hasta el peso máximo
B-Tech International Ltd. recommande de confier l’installation de ce produit à un installateur AV professionnel ou
à une autre personne dûment qualifiée. B-Tech International Ltd, ses distributeurs et ses revendeurs ne
sauraient être tenus responsables de tout dégât ou de toute blessure résultant d’une installation incorrecte. Ce
produit doit être monté sur un support approprié et utilisé dans la limite du poids maximum indiqué.
B-Tech International Ltd. consiglia di affidare l’installazione di questo prodotto a un installatore specializzato o ad
altra persona adeguatamente qualificata. B-Tech International Ltd, i suoi distributori e rivenditori non accettano
alcuna responsabilità nei riguardi di eventuali danni o infortuni causati da un’errata installazione. Questo prodotto
deve essere fissato a una struttura idonea e utilizzato unicamente sino al peso massimo indicato.
B-Tech International Ltd. adviseert om dit product te laten installeren door een professionele AV-installateur of
andere hiervoor gekwalificeerde persoon. B-Tech International Ltd, haar distributeurs en dealers zijn niet
aansprakelijk of verantwoordelijk voor schade of letsel die is veroorzaakt door onoordeelkundige installatie. Dit
product moet worden gemonteerd aan een geschikte constructie, waarbij het aangegeven maximum gewicht niet
mag worden overschreden.
Firma B-Tech International Ltd. zaleca, aby ten produkt był instalowany przez profesjonalnych instalatorów AV
lub inny odpowiednio przeszkolony personel. Firma B-Tech International Ltd, jej dystrybutorzy i dealerzy nie
ponoszą odpowiedzialności za uszkodzenia lub obrażenia ciała powstałe w wyniku nieprawidłowej instalacji.
Niniejszy produkt musi być zamontowany na odpowiedniej powierzchni, a podczas użytkowania nie wolno
przekraczać podanego maksymalnego obciążenia.
B-Tech International Ltd. recomenda que a instalação deste produto seja efectuada por um instalador de AV
profissional ou outra pessoa devidamente habilitada. A B-Tech International Ltd. e os seus distribuidores e
concessionários nãoo responsáveis por danos ou lesões causados por uma instalação incorrecta. Este
produto tem de ser montado numa estrutura adequada e utilizado somente até ao peso máximo indicado.
Компания B-Tech International Ltd. рекомендует, чтобы установка данного изделия производилась
инженером по установке аудио-видеотехники или другим специалистом с соответствующей
квалификацией. Компания B-Tech International Ltd., ее дистрибьюторы и дилеры не несут ответственности
за повреждения или травмы, полученные в результате неправильной установки. Данное изделие должно


Márka: B-tech
Kategória: hangszóró támogatás
Modell: BT33

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