Használati útmutató VOX amPlug 2 Bass

VOX Gitaarversterker amPlug 2 Bass

Olvassa el alább 📖 a magyar nyelvű használati útmutatót VOX amPlug 2 Bass (8 oldal) a Gitaarversterker kategóriában. Ezt az útmutatót 4 ember találta hasznosnak és 2 felhasználó értékelte átlagosan 4.5 csillagra

Oldal 1/8
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Using the unit in the following locations can result in a malfunction.
• In direct sunlight
• Locations of extreme temperature or humidity
• Excessively dusty or dirty locations
• Locations of excessive vibration
• Close to magnetic elds
Power supply
Be sure to turn off the power when the unit is not in use. Remove the
battery in order to prevent it from leaking when the unit is not in use for
extended periods.
Interference with other electrical devices
Radios and televisions placed nearby may experience reception interfer-
ence. Operate this unit at a suitable distance from radios and televisions.
To avoid breakage, do not apply excessive force to the switches or controls.
If the exterior becomes dirty, wipe it with a clean, dry cloth. Do not use
liquid cleaners such as benzene or thinner, or cleaning compounds or am-
mable polishes.
Keep this manual
After reading this manual, please keep it for later reference.
Keeping foreign matter out of your equipment
Never set any container with liquid in it near this equipment. If liquid gets
into the equipment, it could cause a breakdown, re, or electrical shock. Be
careful not to let metal objects get into the equipment.
Notice regarding disposal (EU only)
If this symbol is shown on the product, manual, battery, or pack-
age, you must dispose of it in the correct manner to avoid harm to
human health or damage to the environment. Contact your local
administrative body for details on the correct disposal method. If
the battery contains heavy metals in excess of the regulated
amount, a chemical symbol is displayed below the symbol on the
battery or battery package.
NOTE: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the lim-
its for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These
limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful
interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses,
and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in
accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio
communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will
not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful
interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by
turning the equipment o and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct
the interference by one or more of the following measures:
• Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
• Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
• Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit dierent from that to
which the receiver is connected.
• Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.
If items such as cables are included with this equipment, you must use
those included items.
Unauthorized changes or modication to this system can void the user’s
authority to operate this equipment.
This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules.
Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not
cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference
received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.
This product has been manufactured according to strict specications and volt-
age requirements that are applicable in the country in which it is intended that
this product should be used. If you have purchased this product via the internet,
through mail order, and/or via a telephone sale, you must verify that this product
is intended to be used in the country in which you reside.
WARNING: Use of this product in any country other than that for which it is in-
tended could be dangerous and could invalidate the manufacturer’s or distribu-
tor’s warranty. Please also retain your receipt as proof of purchase otherwise your
product may be disqualied from the manufacturer’s or distributor’s warranty.
* All product names and company names are the trademarks or registered trade-
marks of their respective owners.
L’utilisation de cet instrument dans les endroits suivants peut en entraîner le mau-
vais fonctionnement.
• En plein soleil
• Endroits très chauds ou très humides
• Endroits sales ou fort poussiéreux
• Endroits soumis à de fortes vibrations
• A proximité de champs magnétiques
Lorsque vous n’utilisez pas l’appareil, n’oubliez pas de le mettre hors tension. Reti-
rez les piles pour éviter toute fuite lorsque l’appareil ne sera pas utilisé pendant de
longues périodes de temps.
Interférences avec d’autres appareils électriques
Les postes de radio et de télévision situés à proximi peuvent par conséquent
sourir d’interférences à la réception. Veuillez dès lors faire fonctionner cet appa-
reil à une distance raisonnable de postes de radio et de télévision.
Pour éviter de les endommager, manipulez les commandes et les boutons de cet
instrument avec soin.
Lorsque l’instrument se salit, nettoyez-le avec un chion propre et sec. Ne vous
servez pas d’agents de nettoyage liquides tels que du benzène ou du diluant,
voire des produits inammables.
Conservez ce manuel
Après avoir lu ce manuel, veuillez le conserver soigneusement pour toute fé-
rence ultérieure.
Evitez toute intrusion d’objets ou de liquide
Ne placez jamais de cipient contenant du liquide près de l’instrument. Si le li-
quide se renverse ou coule, il risque de provoquer des dommages, un court-circuit
ou une électrocution. Veillez à ne pas laisser tomber des objets talliques dans
le boîtier (trombones, par ex.).
Note concernant les dispositions (Seulement EU)
Si ce symbole apparait sur le produit, le manuel, les piles ou les packs de
piles, cela signie que vous devez le recycler d’une manière correcte an
de prévenir les dommages pour la santé humaine et les dommages po-
tentiels pour lenvironnement. Contactez votre administration locale
pour de plus amples renseignements concernant la bonne thode de
recyclage. Si la pile contient des métaux lourds au-delà du seuil gle-
menté, un symbole chimique est aché en dessous du symbole de la
poubelle barrée d’une croix sur la pile ou le pack de piles.
Ce produit a é fabriqué suivant des spécications sévères et des besoins en
tension applicables dans le pays où ce produit doit être utilisé. Si vous avez
acheté ce produit via l’internet, par vente par correspondance ou/et vente par
téléphone, vous devez vérier que ce produit est bien utilisable dans le pays où
vous résidez.
ATTENTION: L’utilisation de ce produit dans un pays autre que celui pour lequel
il a écou peut être dangereuse et annulera la garantie du fabricant ou du
distributeur. Conservez bien votre récépis qui est la preuve de votre achat,
faute de quoi votre produit ne risque de ne plus être couvert par la garantie du
fabricant ou du distributeur.
* Tous les noms de produits et de sociétés sont des marques commerciales ou
déposées de leur détenteur respectif.
1 Harrison Close, Knowlhill, Milton Keynes, MK5 8PA. UK
www.voxamps.com© 2017 VOX AMPLIFICATION LTD.
Vox Amplification Ltd.
( )¬p.7
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VOX amPlug 2 Owners Manual
Thank you for purchasing the VOX amPlug 2 Headphone
Guitar Amplier. To take full advantage of this product and to
ensure trouble-free operation, please read this owner’s manual
carefully and use the product as directed.
Installing Batteries
Remove the battery compartment
cover. Insert two AAA batteries as
shown in the figure to the left. Be
sure to observe the correct polarity
when installing the batteries. If
youll be using amPlug 2 for an ex-
tended period of time, we recom-
mend that you use alkaline baeries.
Replace the baeries when the indi-
cator becomes dark.
NOTE: Depleted baeries must be removed from the amPlug
2 immediately. If you leave them in, malfunctions such as bat-
tery leakage may occur. You should also remove the baeries
if you will not be using the amPlug 2 for an extended period
of time.
Auto Power-O Function
amPlug 2 is equipped with an auto power-o function. If no
buons or controls are used or there is no user input for ap-
proximately 30 minutes, the amPlug 2 automatically turns o.
NOTE: When the input level is extremely low or there is very
little change in the sound, the amPlug 2 may conclude that
there is no input. In addition, depending on the seings and
environment, the amPlug 2 may interpret noise as input, even
if the guitar is not being played.
Guided Panel Tour
3 4 5 6 7
1. Input plug: This is where you would connect your guitar.
Swivel the plug as shown in Fig. 1 (¬p.4). Adjust the plug
angle according to the guitar being used.
2. STANDBY/ON/MODEbuon,indicator: Hold down this
buon for approximately one second to turn the amPlug 2
on or o. Pressing this buon after the amPlug 2 has been
turned on switches the mode. The indicator lights up in a
dierent color depending on the mode.
Mode 1 (green) Mode 3 (red)Mode 2 (orange)
Clean Pure Clean Twin Clean Boutique OD
Blues Clean Crunch Lead
Lead Boost 1 Boost 2 Boost 3
3. AUX jack(stereo): This is where you would connect an
external audio device. Adjust the playback volume on the
connected player accordingly.
4. GAINcontrol: This adjusts the amp gain.
5. TONEcontrol: This adjusts the tone.
6. VOLUMEcontrol: This adjusts the overall volume of
the amplier.
7. FXbuon: This selects an eect. Each press of this but-
ton switches the seing in the following order: Chorus
¬ Delay ¬ Reverb ¬ Eect o ¬ Chorus ... In addition,
one of three variations for the selected effect can be
selected by holding down the FX buon and pressing
the STANDBY/ON/MODE button. The variation is
indicated by the number of beeps produced when the
buon is pressed.
8. PHONESjack: This is where you would connect
headphones, portable speakers, a mixer or a recording
When connecting amPlug 2 to external equipment
such as a mixer or recorder, turn down the volume to
the minimum position on your external equipment
before you connect amPlug 2 to it. After connecting it,
power-on amPlug 2 and then adjust the volume of your
external equipment accordingly.
When disconnecting amPlug 2 from your guitar, you
must grasp amPlug 2 near the base of its Input plug. If
you grasp it at the end, you risk breaking amPlug 2.
Disconnect amPlug 2 from
your guitar before leaning
your guitar against a wall or
laying it on the oor. If you
fail to do so, amPlug 2 or
your guitar may strike the
oor and be damaged.
Powersupply: two AAA baeries
11 hours / 17 hours (FX on / FX o, alkaline)
4 hours / 9 hours (FX on / FX o, zinc-carbon)
86 x 38 x 31 (mm) / 3.39” x 1.50” x 1.22
Weight: 40 g / 1.41 oz. (Not including baeries)
Owner’s Manual
two AAA baeries (zinc-carbon)
* Specifications and appearance are subject to change
without notice for improvement.
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 ○異物が内部に入ったとき
 ○製品に異常や故障が生じたとき
 修理が必要なときは、お客様相談窓口へ依頼してください。
 ・大音量や不快な程度の音量で長時間使用しない。
 大使と、
 ・本製品に異物(燃えやすいもの、硬貨、針金など)を入れない。
 ・温度が極端に高い場所(直射日光の当たる場所、暖房機器の近
 ・振動の多い場所で使用や保管はしない。
 ・ホコリの多い場所で使用や保管はしない。
 ・本製品の上に、花瓶のような液体が入ったものを置かない。
 ・本製品に液体をこぼさない。
 ラジオやテレビ等に接近して使用すると、本製品が雑音を受
 ・外装のお手入れは、乾いた柔らかい布を使って軽く拭く。
 長時間使しないときは電池の液漏れをぐために電池
 ・電池は幼児の手の届かないところへ保管する。
 ・スイッチやツマミなどに必要以上の力を加えない。
 故障の原因になります。
 外お手シンの液コン
1. 本保証書の有効期間はお買い上げ日より1か年です。
2. 次の修理等は保証期間内であっても有償となります。
• 消耗部品(電池、スピーカー、真空管、フェーダーなど)の交換。
• お取扱い方法が不適当のために生じた故障。
• 天災(火災、浸水等)によって生じた故障。
• 故障の原因が本製品以外の他の機器にある場合。
• 不当な改造、調整、部品交換などにより生じた故障または損傷。
• 保証書にお買い上げ日売店名が未記入の場合たは字句が書
• 本保証書の提示がない場合。
 尚、当社が修理した部分が再度故障した場合は、証期間外であっ
3. 本保証書は日本国内においてのみ有効です。
 ThiswarrantyisvalidonlyinJapan.
4. お客様が保証期間中に移転された場合でも、保証は引き続きお使いい
5. 修運送費用が製品の価格より高くなることがありますので、あら
6. 修理中の代替品品の貸し出し等は、いかなる場合においても一切
1. 保証書に販売年月日等の記入がない場合は無効となります。記入で
2. 保証書は再発行致しませんので、紛失しないように大切に保管してく
 〒168-0073東京都杉並区下高井戸1-18-16 2F
VOX amPlug 2
Clean / Blues / Lead
          年          月          日


Márka: VOX
Kategória: Gitaarversterker
Modell: amPlug 2 Bass

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