Használati útmutató Argoclima Splitto

Argoclima Airco Splitto

Olvassa el alább 📖 a magyar nyelvű használati útmutatót Argoclima Splitto (7 oldal) a Airco kategóriában. Ezt az útmutatót 3 ember találta hasznosnak és 2 felhasználó értékelte átlagosan 4.5 csillagra

Oldal 1/7
Read all instructi ons be fore using this applia nce an d ke ep th em for future ref e ren ce.
Use only the volt age s p ecified on the rating plate of the
heat er.
Do n o t c ov e r or restrict airflow
th e in let or ex h aust grilles in a ny m an n er a s the
a pplia n ce may ov e rh e at a n d be com e a fire risk.
Keep all obj e cts at least 1 m e ter fr o m th e fr o nt, si d es a nd rear of the a pplian c e.
Do n ot pl ace a ppliance close to a ra d iant h eat source.
Do not o per ate in ar e as wh e re g asolin e, pain t or ot h er fla m mable liq uids a re used o r
store d .
Do n ot u s e the ap pliance to dry clot hes.
Use the fan heater in a well ventilated area.
Do n ot insert or allow forei gn o bjects to enter an y v en tilation o r e x haust o pe ning, a s
this may c a use an el ectric sh ock, fire o r da ma ge to the appli ance.
Do not oper a te any a p pliance with a da m aged cord, plug or after the applian c e
malfu n ctions has b ee n d ro pped or da m aged in a ny m a nner. Ret urn to a qualifi e d
electrical pers o n for exa m in a tion, electri cal or mech a nic al a d justment, serv ice or
rep air.
T his ap p liance is inte nded for hou sehold use o nly a nd n ot for commercial or
indus tria l use.
Use this a p pliance only a s described in th is ma n ual. A n y oth e r u se is n o t
recomm ended by th e manufacturer .
T he most co mm on ca use o f ov erh e ating is
dust or fluff
depo sits in the applia nce.
Ens ure these dep osits a re rem o ved reg ularly by unpl u gging the applia n ce a nd
va cuum clea nin g air vents and grill es.
Do n o t use ab ra sive cle a n ing p roducts on this a pplian c e . Clean with a da m p (not w et)
cl o th rinsed in hot soa p y wat er o n ly. A lw ays remove plug fro m th e m ains s upply
before cle aning.
Do n ot co nnect the appli a nce to the m a in s volt age until complet e ly ass e mbled and
ad jus ted .
T his ap p lia nce heats up slightly w hen in use. To av oid burns, do n ot let b are skin
touch hot surf a ces.
Alwa ys o per ate on a
flat horizontal surface.
Do not use on soft surfaces, like a bed, where openings may become blocked.
Do not oper a te with c ord set co iled up as a build up of h e at is lik e ly, whi ch could b e
sucient to b ecome a hazard.
Th e u s e of an ex tensi o n cord with this a p pliance is no t recommen ded.
Do n o t remove p lug from p o we r so cket until the applia nc e has been switch e d o and
cooled down.
Do n ot rem ove plug from p ower socket by p ulling
the cable
- alw ays g rip plu g .
Alwa ys u nplug applia nce wh e n no t in u se.
Do n ot all o w cord to c ome in co ntact w ith he ated sur faces
or free flames
op era tio n.
Do not run cord un d er car pets, throw ru gs or ru nners et c . Arr ange cord aw ay fro m
tra ic area s so that it will not be tripped ove r.
Do not twist, kink or wrap the c o rd ar o u nd the a pp lia n ce, a s this may c a use the
insul a ti o n to w e ak e n a nd split. Alw a ys e n sure that a ll c o rd h a s be e n re m ove d fr o m
any cord storage ar e a before use.
Do not store a p pliance while it is s till ho t.
T his a ppli a n c e is n o t int e n d e d for use by y o ung children or infirm p ersons w i th o ut
supe rv ision.
Yo u ng c h ildren sh o uld be sup e rvised to e nsure th ey do not play with the ap p liance.
T he appli a nce m ust n ot b e loc a ted imm e diately b elow a sock e t-o u tlet.
Do not use this a p pliance in the im m ed iate surro u nds o f a bat h , a s h ow er or a
swimm ing p ool or ot h er liq uids.
If the supply c o rd is dama g e d, it m ust b e r e plac e d b y a q u a lified e le ctri c a l p erson in
order to avoid a h a zar d.
Do not use this app lia nce out d oo rs, or on w et su rfaces. A vo id spilli n g liq uid o n the
ap p liance.
Do not allow the power cable to hang dow n over the edge of the sink, w orktop or
Make sure your hands are dry when you use the appliance, the cable or the plug.
Never im merse the appliance into water or other liquids.
Do not use the appliance near explosives or flammable materials.
Always switch o the appliance:
if it does not work while using it;
before mak ing maintenance;
before inserting or removing accessories;
before rem oving the plug;
when you finish to use the appliance.
Never switch the appliance off by pulling the cable.
This heater has been projected in order to install it on the wall, you should k eep 1,8
m from the floor and at least 25 cm from the two sides of the w all. Do not put it on the


Márka: Argoclima
Kategória: Airco
Modell: Splitto

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