Használati útmutató Lincoln Electric Invertec V160-T TIG

Lincoln Electric No categorizado Invertec V160-T TIG

Olvassa el alább 📖 a magyar nyelvű használati útmutatót Lincoln Electric Invertec V160-T TIG (36 oldal) a No categorizado kategóriában. Ezt az útmutatót 4 ember találta hasznosnak és 2 felhasználó értékelte átlagosan 4.5 csillagra

Oldal 1/36
May, 2011
Safety Depends on You
Lincoln arc welding and cutting
equipment is designed and built
with safety in mind. However,
your over al l safe ty can be
increased by proper installation
... and thoughtful operation on
your part. DO NOT INSTALL,
most importantly, think before
you act and be careful.
For use with machines having Code Numbers: 10878; 11032
• Sales and Service through Subsidiaries and Distributors Worldwide •
Cleveland, Ohio 44117-1199 U.S.A. TEL: 216.481.8100 FAX: 216.486.1751 WEB SITE: www.lincolnelectric.com
• World's Leader in Welding and Cutting Products •
Copyright © Lincoln Global Inc.
1.a. Turn the engine off before troubleshooting and maintenance
work unless the maintenance work requires it to be running.
1.b. Operate engines in open, well-ventilated
areas or vent the engine exhaust fumes
1.c. Do not add the fuel near an open flame
welding arc or when the engine is running.
Stop the engine and allow it to cool before
refueling to prevent spilled fuel from vaporiz-
ing on contact with hot engine parts and
igniting. Do not spill fuel when filling tank. If
fuel is spilled, wipe it up and do not start
engine until fumes have been eliminated.
1.d. Keep all equipment safety guards, covers and devices in
position and in good repair.Keep hands, hair, clothing and
tools away from V-belts, gears, fans and all other moving
parts when starting, operating or repairing equipment.
1.e. In some c as es it may be nec essary to remove saf ety
gu ard s to p erform req ui re d mainten an ce . Re mo ve
guards only when necessary and replace them when the
ma int en an ce re q ui ri ng th ei r re mo va l is com pl ete.
Always use the greatest care when working near moving
1.f. Do not put your hands near the engine fan.
Do not attempt to override the governor or
idler by pushing on the throttle control rods
while the engine is running.
1.g. To prevent accidentally starting gasoline engines while
turning the engine or welding generator during maintenance
work, disconnect the spark plug wires, distributor cap or
magneto wire as appropriate.
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Read and understand the following safety highlights. For additional safety information, it is strongly recommended that you
purchase a copy of “Safety in Welding & Cutting - ANSI Standard Z49.1” from the American Welding Society, P.O. Box
351040, Miami, Florida 33135 or CSA Standard W117.2-1974. A Free copy of “Arc Welding Safety” booklet E205 is available
from the Lincoln Electric Company, 22801 St. Clair Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio 44117-1199.
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2.a. Electric current flowing through any conductor causes
localized Electric and Magnetic Fields (EMF). Welding
current creates EMF fields around welding cables and
welding machines
2.b. EMF fields ma y int erfe re with some pac emak ers, and
welders having a pacemaker should consult their physician
before welding.
2.c. Exposure to EMF fields in welding may have other health
effects which are now not known.
2.d. All welders should use the following procedures in order to
minimize exposure to EMF fields from the welding circuit:
Route the electrode and work cables together - Secure
them with tape when possible.
2.d.2. Ne ver coil the electrod e lead aro und you r bo dy.
2.d.3. Do not place your body between the electrode and
work cables. If the electrode cable is on your right
side, the work cable should also be on your right side.
2.d.4. Connect the work cable to the workpiece as close as
possible to the area being welded.
2.d.5. Do not work next to welding power source.
1.h. To avoid scalding, do not remove the
radiator pressure cap when the engine is
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Diesel engine exhaust and some of its constituents
are known to the State of California to cause can-
cer, birth defects, and other reproductive harm.
The engine exhaust from this product contains
chemicals known to the State of California to cause
cancer, birth defects, or other reproductive harm.
The Above For Diesel Engines The Above For Gasoline Engines
ARC RAYS can burn.
4.a. Use a shield with the proper filter and cover
plates to protect your eyes from sparks and
the rays of the arc when welding or observing
open arc welding. Headshield and filter lens
should conform to ANSI Z87. I standards.
4.b. Use suitable clothing made from durable flame-resistant
material to protect your skin and that of your helpers from
the arc rays.
4.c. Protect other nearby personnel with suitable, non-flammable
screening and/or warn them not to watch the arc nor expose
themselves to the arc rays or to hot spatter or metal.
3.a. The electrode and work (or ground) circuits
are electrically “hot” when the welder is on.
Do not touch these “hot parts with your bare
skin or wet clothing. Wear dr y, hole-free
gloves to insulate hands.
3.b. Insulate yourself from work and ground using dry insulation.
Make certain the insulation is large enough to cover your full
area of physical contact with work and ground.
In addition to the normal safety precautions, if welding
mu st b e p erfo rme d un de r el ec tric al ly h az ardo us
conditions (in damp locations or while wearing wet
clothing; on metal structures such as floors, gratings or
scaffolds; when in cramped positions such as sitting,
kneeling or lying, if there is a high risk of unavoidable or
accidental contact with the workpiece or ground) use
the following equipment:
• Semiautomatic DC Constant Voltage (Wire) Welder.
• DC Manual (Stick) Welder.
• AC Welder with Reduced Voltage Control.
3.c. In semiautomatic or automatic wire welding, the electrode,
electrode reel, welding head, nozzle or semiautomatic
welding gun are also electrically “hot.
3.d. Always be sure the work cable makes a good electrical
connection with the metal being welded. The connection
should be as close as possible to the area being welded.
3.e. Ground the work or metal to be welded to a good electrical
(earth) ground.
Maintain the electrode holder, work clamp, welding cable and
welding machine in good, safe operating condition. Replace
damaged insulation.
3.g. Never dip the electrode in water for cooling.
3.h. Never simultaneously touch electrically hot par ts of
electrode holders connected to two welders because voltage
between the two can be the total of the open circuit voltage
of both welders.
3.i. When working above floor level, use a safety belt to protect
yourself from a fall should you get a shock.
3.j. Also see Items 6.c. and 8.
can be dangerous.
5.a. Welding may produce fumes and gases
hazardous to health. Avoid breathing these
fumes and gases. When welding, keep
your head out of the fume. Use enough
ventilation and/or exhaust at the arc to keep
fumes and gases away from the breathing zone. When
we ldi ng wit h el ec trod es wh ic h re qui re spe cia l
ve ntil ati on such as st ai nl ess or hard fac in g (s ee
instruct ions on co ntai ner or M SDS) or on le ad or
cadmium plated steel and other metals or coatings
which produce highly toxic fumes, keep exposure as
low as possible and within applicable OSHA PEL and
ACGIH TLV limits using local exhaust or mechanical ven-
tilation. In confined spaces or in some circumstances,
outdoors, a respirator may be required. Additional pre-
cautions are also required when welding on galvanized
5. b. The operation of welding fume control equipment is affected
by various factors including proper use and positioning of the
equipment, maintenance of the equipment and the specific
welding procedure and application involved. Worker expo-
sure level should be checked upon installation and periodi-
cally thereafter to be certain it is within applicable OSHA
PEL and ACGIH TLV limits.
Do not weld in locations near chlorinated hydrocarbon
coming from degreasing, cleaning or spraying operations.
The heat and rays of the arc can react with solvent vapors
form phosgene, a highly toxic gas, and other irritating prod-
5.d. Shielding gases used for arc welding can displace air and
cause injur y or death. Always use enough ventilation,
especially in confined areas, to insure breathing air is safe.
5.e. Read and understand the manufacturer’s instructions for this
equipment and the consumables to be used, including the
mater ial sa fet y data sh ee t ( MSD S) an d fo ll ow yo ur
employer’s safety practices. MSDS forms are available from
yo ur weldi ng di str ibuto r or f ro m t he manu fac tu rer.
5.f. Also see item 1.b.


Márka: Lincoln Electric
Kategória: No categorizado
Modell: Invertec V160-T TIG

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