Használati útmutató Franklin BES-2100

Olvassa el alább 📖 a magyar nyelvű használati útmutatót Franklin BES-2100 (8 oldal) a Vertaalcomputer kategóriában. Ezt az útmutatót 3 ember találta hasznosnak és 2 felhasználó értékelte átlagosan 4.5 csillagra

Oldal 1/8
License Agreement (U.S. only)
the software product and documentation found in
this package and FRANKLIN means Franklin Electronic
Publishers, Inc.
Limited Use License
All rights in the ELECTRONIC REFERENCE remain the
property of FRANKLIN. Through your purchase, FRANKLIN
grants you a personal and nonexclusive license to use this
ELECTRONIC REFERENCE. You may not make any copies
of the ELECTRONIC REFERENCE or of the data stored
therein at the time of purchase, whether in electronic
or print format. Such copying would be in violation of
applicable copyright laws. Further, you may not modify,
adapt, disassemble, decompile, translate, create derivative
works of, or in any way reverse engineer the ELECTRONIC
REFERENCE. You may not export or reexport, directly or
indirectly, the ELECTRONIC REFERENCE without compliance
with appropriate governmental regulations. The
ELECTRONIC REFERENCE contains Franklin’s condential
and proprietary information which you agree to take
adequate steps to protect from unauthorized disclosure
or use. This license is eective until terminated by Franklin.
This license terminates immediately without notice from
FRANKLIN if you fail to comply with any provision of this
Congratulations on your purchase of the BES-
2100, Speaking Spanish English Dictionary.
This device is a valuable resource for
nding translations and hearing the proper
pronunciations of thousands of words. Other
essential features include:
Auto-corrections and suggested similar •
words for misspellings;
Discover synonyms and antonyms for •
English words in the Franklin Thesaurus;
Inected word forms (e.g., conjugations);•
Conversational phrases for travel, weather, •
money, shopping, and politics;
Grammar Guides and Usage Examples help •
you study the rules of each language;
Build your vocabulary using personal word •
lists, TOEFL® Test* word lists, and SA
Spanish Subject Test word lists;
Personal phonebook with secure •
password safely stores important contact
Convenient calculator, currency and metric •
converters, and local/world clocks;
Helpful interactive learning exercises •
test your knowledge: try Spelling Bee and
Flashcards alone or with other participants;
Five (5) fun games to enhance your learning! •
Battery Precautions
Your product is powered by two AAA
• Dierenttypesofbatteriesornewandused
batteries should not be mixed.
• Non-rechargeablebatteriesarenottobere-
charged. Never recharge batteries that come
with the device.
• Rechargeablebatteriesaretoberemovedfrom
the device before being charged.
• Rechargeablebatteriesareonlytobecharged
under adult supervision.
• Onlybatteriesofthesameorequivalenttypeas
recommended are to be used.
• Thesupplyterminalsarenottobeshort-
• Donotexposebatteriestodirectheatortry
to take batteries apart. Follow the battery
manufacturers instructions for battery use.
• Alwaysremoveaweakordeadbatteryfromthe
• Toavoiddamagecausedbyleakageofthe
battery uid, replace the battery or batteries
once every two years regardless of how much
the device has been used during that time.
• Shouldabatteryleak,thedevicemaybecome
damaged. Clean the battery compartment
immediately, avoiding contact with your skin.
• Keepbatteriesoutofreachofsmallchildren.If
swallowed, consult a physician immediately.
• Pleasekeepscreenprotectorsandplasticbags
away from babies and children to avoid danger
of suocation.
• Shouldthedevicesdisplayglassbreak,properly
dispose of the product avoiding contact with
your skin, then wash your hands immediately.
Product Care
Your device is designed to be light, compact
and durable. However, it is an electronic
device and must be treated carefully. Putting
unneccessary pressure on it or striking the
device against other objects can cause
To avoid damage to your device, please:
• Keepthelidclosedwhenyouarenotusingit.
This will protect the screen from being broken,
scratched or marred in any way.
• Donotdrop,crush,bend,orapplyexcessive
force to the device.
• Donotexposeyourdevicetomoisture,extremeor
prolonged heat, cold, humidity, or other adverse
conditions. Avoid storing it in damp, humid or wet
places. It is not waterproof.
• Cleanthedevicebysprayingamildglass
cleaner onto a cloth and wipe its surface. Do not
spray liquids directly on your device.
• Shouldthedevice’sdisplayglassbreak,properly
dispose of the product avoiding contact with
your skin, then wash your hands immediately.
• Pleasekeepscreenprotectorsandplasticbags
away from babies and children to avoid danger
of suocation.
Understanding Your Device
1) Screen 2) Menu/Help Key
3) Soft Keys 4) Power Key
5) Say Key 6) Navigation Keys
7) Function Keys 8) Enter Key
Using the Special Features
Your unit is equipped with several special
Headphone Jack: The headphone jack is
designed for 3.5 mm, 35 ohm impedance
stereo headphones. Caution: Monophonic
headphones will not work with this unit.
USB Port: Located on the top of the device,
the USB Port is designed for a mini-USB 1.1
compatible connection. Plug the mini-USB jack
of the included cable into this port and the
standard-size USB jack into your PC to connect
your device to your PC.
Battery Compartment: The battery
compartment is located on the back of the
unit. It holds two AAA batteries.
Speaker: The speaker is located on the back
of the unit, below the battery compartment.
Spanish English
User’s Guide
Speaking 3
Battery Compartment
USB Port
Please read the following safety warnings and
precautions before using your device. Note: If this device
is to be used by young children, this User’s Guide should
be read to them by an adult and their use of the device
should be monitored. Failure to do so may cause injury.
* TOEFL and the Test of English as a Foreign Language
are registered trademarks of Educational Testing Service
(ETS). This product is not endorsed or approved by ETS.
† SAT is a registered trademark of the College Entrance
Examination Board, which was not involved in the
production of, and does not endorse, this product.
Replacing Batteries
Your product is powered by two AAA
batteries. When the battery power is low, an
alert will appear on the screen.
Follow these easy instructions to install or
replace them. Please have the new batteries
at hand before you remove the old ones.
1. Turn your product o and turn it over.
2. Open the battery cover on the back of your
unit by pushing in the direction of the arrow.
3. Remove the old batteries.
4. Install the batteries following the +/-
markings in the battery compartment.
Important: Be sure that the batteries are
installed correctly. Wrong polarity may damage
the unit.
5. Replace the battery cover.
Warning: If the batteries wear-out completely
or if you take more than a few seconds while
changing the batteries, any information that
was entered in the built-in books may be
erased. You should always keep written copies
of your important information.
Resetting Your Product
If the keyboard fails to respond, or if the
screen performs erratically, perform a system
reset by following the steps below.
1. Hold CLEAR and press .
If nothing happens, try Step 2.
2. Use a paper clip to gently press the reset
button on your unit.
The reset button is recessed in a pin-sized hole
on the front of your device.
Warning! Pressing the reset button with more than light
pressure may permanently disable your product. In addition,
resetting the product erases settings and information
entered in its built-in books.
Key Guide
Soft Keys
Soft key functions are represented by the
labels displayed along the bottom of the
screen. To perform a soft key function,
press the - key at the top of the
keyboard that corresponds to the label on
the screen that you want to select. These
labels change to reect the various functions
available in the dierent features of this
For example, in the main menu, the following
soft keys are available:
BOOKS Displays the Books menu.
LEARN Displays the Learn menu.
EXER Displays the Exercises menu.
GAMES Displays the Games menu.
TOOLS Displays the Tools menu.
As you navigate deeper into a feature, the
available soft keys may change. Please refer to
the specic topics in this User’s Guide to learn
the functions of additional soft keys.
Function Keys
Turns the product on or o.
Goes to the main menu.
Speaks a word or phrase (if a
pronunciation is available).
Shifts to type capital letters.
With direction keys, shifts to prev,
next, page up, and page down.
With number keys, types special
Clears or cancels the current
operation and reverts back to
the last working prompt, screen,
or menu. For example, clears the
Backs up, erases a letter, or turns
o selection mode in an entry.
Enters a word, selects an item,
submits a response, or begins
selection mode in an entry.
At a word entry screen, types a ?
to stand for an unknown letter in
a word.
While in text, cycles screen type
size (small, medium, large),
overriding the text size settings.
Adjusts the sound volume.
Combination Keys
Key1+Key2 means hold Key1 while also
pressing Key2.
+ Advances up or down one screen/
page at a time.
+ In a series of entries, displays the
previous or next entry.
+ At a menu, goes to the rst or last
menu item. At an entry, goes to
the start or end of the entry.
+0-9 Types the special character
shown on the number key.
+ Presents a menu of the following
special characters: ! @ # $ % ^ & *
( ) – / \ ; : “ , . ? _ = ¡ ¿ [ ]
+ Displays Help instructions.
+ At a word entry screen, types an
asterisk (*) to stand for any series
of unknown letters or characters
in a word.
Direction Keys
Moves up ( ), down ( ),
left ( ), or right ( ).
At menus and dictionary entries,
pages down. At word entry screens,
types a space.
For Your Information
Follow the Arrows
The ashing arrows on the right of the screen
show which arrow keys you can press to move
around menus or view more text.
Help is Always at Hand
You can view a help message at any screen by
pressing FN
MENÚ. Press to advance to the
next line, or FN
+ to advance down to the next
page. To exit help, press .
Choosing a Message Language
The rst time you turn on this device, you are
prompted to choose a message language.
Press A for English or press B for Spanish.
The message language is the language of
prompts, help, and messages. To change the
message language later, see “Changing the
Using the Main Menu
Use the main menu to quickly take you to
dierent books and exercises in your device.
The main menu contains ve tabs: Books,
Learn, Exercises, Games and Tools. Use and
to move to another tab. Use and to
highlight the option you want and press
to select it. You can also go directly to a tab by
pressing the tabs respective Soft Key.
Understanding the Menus
The Books tab enables you to look up
Spanish translations of English words and
English translations of Spanish words. You
can conjugate English or Spanish words and
search for English or Spanish conversational
phrases. You can also look up denitions and
thesaurus entries of English words.
The Learn tab enables you to access My
Word List, search for English or Spanish
usage examples, and read English or Spanish
grammar lessons. You can also access the
TOEFL® Test and SAT® Spanish Subject Test
word lists and any personal dictionaries you
have added to your device.
The Exercises tab allows you to access Spelling
Bee and Flashcards. You can try both exercises
using English words saved to My Word List and
those found in the TOEFL® Test word list. You
can also try the exercises using Spanish words
saved to My Word List and those found in the
SAT® Spanish Subject Test.
The Games tab allows you to access the ve
games included in your device: Hangman,
Conjumania, Word Train, Word Auction and
Word Blaster. You can also adjust the game
The Tools tab allows you to access a
demonstration and tutorial of how this device
works. You can also adjust the device settings.
Organizer features are also available from the
Tools tab, including a phonebook, schedule,
calculator and clock.
1. Press MENÚ and then press TOOLS.
Or, press or until you reach the Tools menu.
2. Press to select either Tutorial or Demo and
press .
To stop and exit at any time press CLEAR.
Changing the Settings
At any time, you may adjust basic settings for
your device using the steps below:
1. Press MENÚ and then press TOOLS.
Or, press or until you reach the Tools menu.
2. Settings is already selected. Press .
3. Press or to move to one of the
following settings:
Shuto determines how long your product stays
on if no key is pressed.
Contrast determines how dark or light the
screen is.
Type Size determines the size of screen type.
Learn a Word determines whether or not you see
a word every time you turn on your device.
Message language (Idioma de los mensajes)
determines if your device displays English or
Spanish prompts, help, and messages.
4. Press or to change the setting.
Your changes are automatically saved. Press or
to move to adjust other settings.
5. Press when nished.
Learn a New Word
The Learn a Word setting helps increase your
Spanish or English vocabulary. Each time the
device starts, you will be greeted with an entry
and its translation. Press LIST to save the word
to My Word List for further study.
Audio Settings
Your device has a built-in speaker. If you
prefer, headphones can be plugged into the
headphone jack (see “Understanding Your
To adjust the volume, press , then press
or to adjust it softer (–) or louder (+).
Translating Words
The English-Spanish and Spanish-English
dictionaries are fully bilingual. Use them to
translate words between the two languages.
Try translating a Spanish word:
1. Press MENÚ.
The Books menu appears.
2. Press or to select MW Spanish–English
Dictionary, then press .
To translate English words into Spanish select
MW English–Spanish Dictionary.
Or, press LANG at the word entry screen to
toggle the entry language between Spanish and
3. Type a word (e.g., ir).
With each letter you type, the resulting list
of potential matching entries is refreshed.
Note: The following options apply to this and
all other word entry screens:
To erase a letter, press .
To type accents, type a letter (e.g., e) and then
press repeatedly until the accent you want
appears (e.g., é).
To type a capital, hold and press a letter key.
To type a number, press a number key.
To enter a special character (if permitted), hold
FN and press a number key.
For example, to enter “3-D”, type 3, press FN+6
(to enter a hyphen), and then press + D.
Note: You are not required to type accents or
special characters. The dictionary will retrieve
similar matches for you.
Press to hear the word you typed and
other entries in the list pronounced.
4. If the letters you type match a word in the
list, it is automatically highlighted.
Or, press or to select another word you see
in the list.
5. Press to view the translation.
Press or to scroll extended content.
Press to hear the headword pronounced.
6. Hold FN and press or to view the next or
previous entry.
7. Press CLEAR when done.
Viewing Multiple Entries
If a search nds more than one matching entry
you can easily move back and forth between the
matches. Hold FN and press or to go to the
previous or next matching entry.
Understanding Translations
Entries may consist of headwords, parts of
speech, denitions, idioms, other forms, and
translations. After the translation or denition,
you may see a list of usage examples or
conversational phrases, marked with a speaker
symbol .
To hear a phrase within a dictionary entry, press
to start a selection highlight, and then use
the arrow keys to position the highlight over the
speaker symbol of the phrase you want to hear,
and then press or to hear it.
To hear a single word within an entry
pronounced, press to start a selection
highlight, and then use the arrow keys to
position the highlight over any word, and
then press to hear it. Press to
view the new word’s denition/translation.
Explanation of Genders
Spanish nouns are dierent from English nouns
in that they must either be masculine or feminine.
Each denition of a noun indicates which gender
it is with m or f.
Misspelling Words
If you enter a misspelled word, a list of corrections
appears. Press or to select the word you want
and then press to see its entry. To go back
to the corrections list, press .
Hearing Words
This dictionary will pronounce the words that
appear on almost any screen—in denitions,
thesaurus entries, spell correction lists,
English/Spanish word lists, and games. When
you want to hear how a word is pronounced,
select it and press . Try the example
Note: Words cannot be pronounced in Usage
Examples, Grammar Guides, Confusables lists,
and certain other locations.
1. Press MENÚ.
The Books menu appears.
2. Press or to select MW Spanish–English
Dictionary, then press .
3. Type a word (e.g., teléfono).
4. Press to hear it pronounced.
5. Press to see its translation entry.
6. Press to hear the headword
7. Press to enter word selection mode.
8. Press the direction keys to position the
highlight cursor on a word or phrase (marked
by ) you want to hear.
9. Press to hear the pronunciation.
Press CLEAR when done.
Selecting Words in Other Entries
Another way to look up and learn new words
is to select them from within other entries or
word lists. You can then nd their translations
or add them to word lists. Note: This feature
may not be available on all screens.
1. At a text screen supporting word selection,
press to enter selection mode.
If the rst word on the screen is now
highlighted, this feature is supported.
2. Press , , , or to select an available
word you want to learn.
To exit select mode, press .
To... Press...
hear the word pronounced
dene the word
add the word to My Word List LIST
3. Press CLEAR when done.
Matchmaker List
If you are uncertain about how to spell a
word, type the portion of the word you do
know, and type a question mark (?) in place
of each unknown letter. Type an asterisk (*)
to stand for any missing portion of a word,
including prexes, suxes, spaces, symbols,
or any number of letters. Note: If you type
an asterisk at the beginning of a word, it may
take additional time to nd matching words.
1. At any word entry screen, type known letters,
a ? in place of each unknown letter, and a * in
place of any string of unknown characters.
For example, in the MW English Dictionary,
type m?cro*”.
To type an asterisk, hold down and press
2. Press .
3. Press to select a word from the list and
press to view its entry.
4. Press CLEAR when done.
Inections and conjugations show changes in
a word’s gender, tense, number, person, and
other subtle variations. This device includes
extensive inections of Spanish and English
nouns, adjectives, and other words. It also
includes advanced verb conjugations, which
include translations of verb tenses.
Follow these steps using the example word(s)
suggested or with your own word(s) on any
screen that shows the CONJ soft key. This
includes any dictionary word entry screen,
denition/translation screen, grammar guide,
1. Press MENÚ.
The Books menu appears.
2. Press or to select English Conjugations or
Spanish Conjugations. Press .
Press LANG at the word entry screen to toggle
the entry language between Spanish and
3. Type a word and press CONJ.
For English, try cold” to view its noun
and adjective inections; try go to view
its conjugated verb forms. “Go will show
multiple parts of speech and multiple
translations. Choose whichever one you
For Spanish, try “mejor” to view its adjective
inections; amor” to view its masculine
noun inections; and creer” to view its
conjugated verb forms. If prompted, choose
one of the two translations for creer.


Márka: Franklin
Kategória: Vertaalcomputer
Modell: BES-2100

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