Használati útmutató Camille Bauer Sineax TI816

Olvassa el alább 📖 a magyar nyelvű használati útmutatót Camille Bauer Sineax TI816 (2 oldal) a nincs kategorizálva kategóriában. Ezt az útmutatót 2 ember találta hasznosnak és 2 felhasználó értékelte átlagosan 4.5 csillagra

Oldal 1/2
DC signal isolator
TI 816-5 Be 996 118-03 10.10
Safety precautions to be strictly observed are marked with
following symbols in the operating instructions:
Camille Bauer LTD
Aargauerstrasse 7
CH-5610 Wohlen/Switzerland
Phone +41 56 618 21 11
Fax +41 56 618 35 35
e-mail: info@camillebauer.com
Operating Instructions
3. Brief description
The signal isolator SINEAX TI 816 serves to electrically insulate analogue DC an
signal in the range 0...20 mA which depending on version is then converted to
a current or voltage signal (0...20 mA or 0...10 V). It does require a separate not
power supply.
The instrument fulfi ls all the important requirements and regulations concerning
electromagnetic compatibility EMC and Safety (IEC 1010 resp. EN 61 010). It was
developed and is manufactured and tested in strict accordance with the quality
assurance standard ISO 9001.
1. Read fi rst and then … ................................................................................... 1
2. Scope of supply ............................................................................................. 1
3. Brief description ............................................................................................. 1
4. Versions .......................................................................................................... 1
5. Technical data ................................................................................................ 1
6. Mounting ........................................................................................................ 1
7. Electrical connections .................................................................................... 2
8. Commissioning and maintenance .................................................................. 2
9. Releasing the signal isolator .......................................................................... 2
10. Dimensional drawings .................................................................................... 2
11. Declaration of conformity ............................................................................... 2
1. Read fi rst and then
The proper and safe operation of the device assumes that the
operating instructions is read carefully and the safety warnings
given in the various Sections
6. Mounting
7. Electrical connections
are .observed
The device should only be handled by appropriately trained
personnel who are familiar with it and authorised to work in
electrical installations.
Unauthorized repair or alteration of the unit invalidates the
2. Scope of supply
Signal isolator (Fig. 1)
1 ea. operating instructions (Fig. 2) in English, French, German
Fig. 1 Fig. 2
1 With current signal 2 With voltage signal
4. Versions
There are two versions of the DC signal isolator SINEAX TI 816 available.
Description Output signal A Order code Order No.
Passive DC signal isolator
input signal E: 0…20 mA,
with 1 isolation and
transmission channel, in
carrying rail housing N12
0…20 mA 816-5110 990 722
0…10 V 816-5111 994 089
5. Technical data
Input signal E
DC current: 0…20 mA
Max. permissible current: 50 mA
Voltage limiter: 18 V ± 5% (with zener diode)
Voltage drop: < 2.1 V (for 500 Ω burden)
Overshoot: < 20 μA (typical 5 μA)
Output signal A
DC current or
DC voltage: 0…20 mA 0…10 Vor
Limit: Approx. 30 mA1
Approx. 15 V2
Max. burden: 600 Ω1
Internal resistance: 500 Ω2
Residual ripple: < 20 mV ss
Time constant: Approx. 5 ms
Accuracy data
Error limits: < ± 0,1%1
(reference value 20 mA,
linearity error included)
< ± 0,2%2
(reference value 10 V,
linearity error included)
Ambient conditions
Operating temperature:: 20 to + 65 °C
Storage temperature: –40 to + 85 °C
Annual mean
relative humidity: ≤ 75% Standard climatic rating
Seismic test: 5 g, < 200 Hz, 2 h in each of 3 directions
Shock test: 10 shocks in each of 3 directions50 g,
Altitude: 2000 m max.
Indoor use statement
6. Mounting
The SINEAX TI 816 isolator is suitable for mounting on two different types of
standard rails:
onto the G-type rail EN 50 035-G32
onto the top-hat rail EN 50 022-35 7.5.×
The instruments must only be disposed of in the
correct way!
Note Ambient conditions” in Section “5. Technical data” when de-
termining the place of installation!
Simply clip the signal isolator onto the carrying rail acc. to Fig. 3 or Fig. 4.
Fig. 6. Terminal allocation.
E = Input signal,
A = Output signal.
7. Electrical connections
Easily accessible screw terminals are provided at the front of the signal isolator
(Fig. 6) which accept wire gauges up to 2.5 mm
2 (stranded wire) or 4 mm
2 (non-
stranded wire).
Note that,
the data required to perform the electrical insulation task agree with the
data on the nameplate of the SINEAX TI 816 ( input signal and
output signal, see Fig. 5)!
… in the case of isolators with outputs 0...20 mA, the total resist-current
ance of the external leads (receiver plus leads) exceed the max. does not
burden of Ω! See “output signal”, section “5. Technical data”!600
in the case of isolators with a output 0...10 V, the external receiver voltage
connected across the output has a suffi ciently high internal resistance RiA
in relation to the SINEAX TI 816 output impedance of Ω! See “Output 500
signal” in Section “5. Technical data”!
The error due to Ri is:A
F [%] = 500 [Ω] · 100
RiA [Ω]
… that input and output cables should be twisted pairs and run as far as
possible away from heavy current cables!
0...20 mA
0...20 mA
Art.: 990722 / 1234567 / 001
Camille Bauer AG
Aargauerstr. 7
CH-5610 Wohlen
Typ 816 – 5110
Fig. 5. Example of a nameplate.
Connect the input and output leads E and A according to Fig. 6.
TI 816
3 4
1 2
Fig. 3. Mounting onto the G-type rail. Fig. 4. Mounting onto the top-hat rail.
8. Commissioning and maintenance
The device is in operation as soon as the input signal E is connected.
The signal isolator requires no maintenance.
TI 816
3 4
1 2
TI 816
3 4
1 2
Fig. 9. SINEAX TI 816 on G-type rail
EN 50 035 – G 32.
Fig. 10. SINEAX TI 816 on top-hat rail
EN 50 022 – 35 7.5.×
9. Releasing the signal isolator
When dismantling the SINEAX TI 816
from G rails proceed according to Fig. 7. Firstly press the signal isolator upwards
(manipulation 1) and tip it upwards at the same time (manipulation 2).
from top-hat rails proceed according to Fig. 8. Tip the signal isolator up-
Fig. 7 Fig. 8
10. Dimensional drawings
11. Declaration of conformity
Dok u men t-N r ./ TI 8 16 _ CE- ko n f.D O C
Doc u men t .No . :
Her ste l l er / Ca mi lle Baue r AG
Ma n ufa ctu r er : Switz e rl a nd
Ansc h rif t / Aargauerstrasse 7
Add r ess : CH-56 10 Wo hl en
Pro d ukt b eze ichn u ng / Pa ssiv er DC- Signaltrenner
Pro d uct nam e: Pa sive DC s i g na l iso l a to r
Ty p / T ype : SI NEAX TI 816
Das bez e ichn ete Pr od u kt s tim m t m i t d e n Vo r sch rif t en f olg e nd e r Eu rop ä isc h er Ri cht l i nie n
üb e re i n , n ach g ewie s en d ur c h d i e Ein h alt u ng f olg e nd e r N o rm e n:
Th e ab ove men t ion e d p rod uct h as b ee n ma n uf a ctu r ed acco r di n g t o th e r e gul a tio n s o f th e fo l -
low i n g Eu rop e an dir e cti v es p rov e n t h ro u gh com p lia n ce w i th t he f ollo wi ng s tan d ar d s:
Nr. / No. Richtlinie / Direct ive
20 0 4 / 108 / E G
20 0 4 / 108/ E C
Elek t r o m a gne t i s c h e Ve r tr ä g li c hk e it - EM V - R ic h t l i n i e
Elec t r o m a gne t i c c omp a t i b il i t y - EMC di r e c tiv e
EM V /
Fac hgru ndn orm /
Gen eric St andard
Mes sverf ahren /
Mea surement metho ds
Stö r aus s e n d u ng /
E mi s s i on
EN 6 1 000 - 6- 4 : 2 0 0 7 EN 5 5 011 : 20 0 7 + A2: 2 0 0 7
Stö r fe s tigk eit /
Im m u ni t y
EN 6 1 000 - 6- 2 : 20 0 5 I EC 6 1 000 - 4 - 2 : 19 9 5 + A1 :19 9 8 + A2: 2 0 0 1
IEC 6 100 0 - 4- 3 : 20 0 6 + A1 :20 0 7
IEC 6 100 0 - 4- 4 : 2 0 0 4
IEC 6 100 0 - 4- 6 : 2 0 0 8
Nr. / No. Richtlinie / Direct ive
20 0 6 / 95/ E G
20 0 6 / 95/ E C
Elek t r is c h e Bet r i e bs m i t tel z ur Ve rw e n dun g in ne r h a l b be s timm t e r S p a nnun g s -
gr e n z e n N i e de rs pann u n g s r ic ht l i n i e C E - Ken n z eic h nun g : 95
Elec t r i c al e q u i p men t for us e wit h i n c e r t a i n v o l t a ge l i m i t s Lo w Vo lt age D ir ec -
tiv e A t ta c hme n t of C E m a r k : 9 5
EN/Norm/St and ard IEC/ Norm/Stand ard
EN 6 1 0 1 0 - 1 : 200 1 IEC 10 10- 1 : 2 0 01
Or t , Da t um /
Pl ace , da t e:
Woh l e n, 2.O k tob e r. 2 009
Unt e rsc h ri f t / sign a tu r e:
M. Ul ric h J. B r em
L e i t er T ec h n i k / H e a d o f e ng i n e e r i n g Q u a l i t ä t s m a na ge r / Q u a l i t y m a n a g er


Márka: Camille Bauer
Kategória: nincs kategorizálva
Modell: Sineax TI816

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