Használati útmutató Bestway Fast Set 57009

Olvassa el alább 📖 a magyar nyelvű használati útmutatót Bestway Fast Set 57009 (24 oldal) a Föld feletti medence kategóriában. Ezt az útmutatót 7 ember találta hasznosnak és 2 felhasználó értékelte átlagosan 4.5 csillagra

Oldal 1/24
A版: 英/法/西/葡/意/波/
No Jumping
Shallow Water
Não pular
Água rasa
No saltar
Agua poco profunda
Nicht springen!
Seichtes Wasser.
Älä hyppää
Matala vesi
Niet Springen
Ondiep Water
Vietato saltare
Acqua bassa
Interdit de sauter
Niveau d’eau bas
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Nie skakać
Płytka woda
Tilos ugrani
Sekély víz
Hoppa inte i.
Vattnet är grunt
No Diving
Shallow Water
Não mergulhar
Água rasa
No Diving
Agua poco profunda
Nicht tauchen!
Seichtes Wasser.
Älä sukella
Matala vesi
Niet Duiken
Ondiep Water
Vietato tuffarsi
Acqua bassa
Interdit de plonger
Niveau d’eau bas
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Nie nurkować
Płytka woda
Tilos Fejest Ugrani
Sekély Víz
Dyk inte.
Vattnet är grunt
Put 1” to 2” water in the pool to cover the floor. Once pool floor is slightly covered, gently smooth out all wrinklles. Start in the center of the
pool and work your way clockwise to the outside.
Mettre quelques centimètres d’eau dans la piscine pour couvrir le sol. Une fois que le sol de la piscine est légèrement recouvert, lissez tous
les plis. Commencez par le centre de la piscine et continuez dans le sens des aiguilles d’une montre vers l’extérieur.
Ponga de 1" a 2" de agua en la piscina para cubrir el suelo. Cuando la piscina esté un poco cubierta, alise suavemente las arrugas. Comience
desde el centro de la piscina y trabaje en sentido horario hacia el exterior.
Encher a piscina com uma quantidade de água suficiente para cobrir a superfície (de 2 a 5 cm). Uma vez que a superfície estiver levemente
coberta, eliminar todas as dobras presentes, começando pelo centro da piscina e continuando, no sentido horário, em direcção à parte
Riempire la piscina con una quantità d'acqua sufficiente a coprire la superficie (da 2,5 a 5cm) Una volta piscina verso l'esterno muovendosi
in senso orario. eseguita questa operazione, eliminare tutte le pieghe presenti sulla superficie partendo dal centro della.
Puść wodę do basenu o głębokości 1’ - 2’’, aby jej warstwa zakryła dno basenu. Jeśli dno basenu jest już trochę zakryte wodą, delikatnie
wygładź wszystkie jego fałdy. Zacznij od środka basenu i idąc w kierunku zgodnym z ruchem wskazówek zegara, podążaj do brzegu basenu.
A medencébe engedjen 1’ - 2’’ mélységű vizet, hogy az a medence fenekét befedje. Ha a medence alján egy kis mennyiségű víz található, a
gyűrődéseket finoman egyenesítse ki. A medence közepétől kezdje és az óramutató járásával megegyezően haladjon a medence széle felé.
smooth out the bottom
lisser le fond
suavizar la parte inferior
suavizar o fundo
appianare il fondo
wygładzić dna
elsimítására az alsó
Thank you for buying a Bestway pool. In order to ensure that you gain maximum enjoyment and safe use of your pool
please follow the installation instructions in the DVD enclosed (except 2.44m x 66cm / 8’ x 26”; 3.05m x76cm / 10’ x 30”;
3.66m x 76cm / 12’ x 30”; 3.66m x 91cm / 12 x 36’’ pool) in your retail box along with the important safety guidelines in
your owner’s manual.
Assembly usually takes approximately 10 minutes with 2-3 people.
See below for part descriptions.
Components list:
Drain valve
Heavy-duty repair patch
Hose Adaptor
Please see FAQ’S for additional information. Drawings not scaled to size.
Read the manual and follow the instructions relating to safety tips, correct and complete product assembly, setting into
service, use and maintenance.
The use of a kit swimming pool implies the respect of the safety instructions described in the manual of maintenance
and use.
The safety of your children depends entirely on you! Children under 5 years old are at greatest risk. Please take care to
avoid accidents.
Continuous and competent adult supervision of children and the handicapped is required at all times.
Assign at least one person in charge of safety. Increase supervision if there are several people in the swimming pool.
Teach your children to swim if possible. Your children’s safety is your responsibility! The risk is the greatest when
children are under five. Remember accidents don’t just happen to others! Be prepared to react. Without adult
supervision, your child’s life is in danger.
For safety, please do not set up your pool on a terrace / balcony.
Remember to place our pool where it’s possible to drain it easily avoiding flooding.
Never let children enter or remain in the pool or pool area without adult supervision or if they
are not wearing life saving devices.
Do not allow access to the pool without a lifejacket or vest for a child not knowing
how to swim well and not accompanied in the water.
Test the water temperature before entering the pool by splashing water
on your neck, arms and legs.
Under no circumstances should any user jump or dive into the pool,
serious injury or death could result.
Prohibit running and playing games and other strenuous exercise near the swimming pool.
Pool and accessories should only be assembled by competent adults.
Do not use an air compressor to inflate the pool. Use a hand or foot pump.
Before use, always make sure that all of the inflatable compartments are properly inflated and that there are no folds. If
not, repeat the inflation procedure.
Your pool should be filled by low pressure water flow in order to prevent undue stress to the liner. Bestway will not be
responsible for damage to the pool due to filling via water-truck. (See FAQ’s)
Do not straddle, sit, stand, lean over or put pressure onto the inflatable top ring, doing so could result in collapse of the
pool and flooding, causing serious personal injury and/or damage to personal property.
Do not leave toys near or in an unsupervised swimming pool.
Do not swim alone.
Do not use your pool under the use of alcohol, drugs or medicaments.
Store chemicals and accessories out of the reach of children.
Children will be in danger without
adequate supervision.
No Jumping
Shallow Water
No Diving
Shallow Water
NOTE: The pool must be set up on a completely flat and level surface. Please do not install the pool if the
surface is inclined or slope.
Correct condition to set up the pool:
• The selected location has to be capable of uniformly supporting the weight for the entire time the pool is installed,
moreover the location must be flat and must be cleared of all objects and debris including stones and twigs.
• We recommend positioning the pool away from any objects kids could use to climb into the pool.
NOTE: Position the pool near an adequate drainage system to deal with overflow or to discharge the pool.
NOTE: Position the pool near an AC power outlet protected by a RCD (Residual Current Device).
Incorrect conditions to set up the pool:
• On uneven ground the pool may collapse causing serious personal injury and/or damage to personal property and will
void the warranty and prevent any service claims.
• Sand should not be used to create a level base; the ground must be dug out if necessary.
• Directly under overhead power lines or trees. Be sure the location does not contain underground utility pipes, lines or
cables of any kind.
• Do not set up the pool on driveways, decks, platforms, gravel or asphalt surfaces. The selected location should be firm
enough to withstand the pressure of the water; mud, sand, soft / loose soil or tar are not suitable.
• Grass or other vegetation under the pool will die and may cause odors and slime to develop, therefore we recommend
removing all grass from the selected pool location.
Avoid areas prone to aggressive plant and weed species that may grow through the ground cloth or liner.
NOTE: Check with your local city council for by-laws relating to fencing, barriers, lighting and safety requirements and
ensure you comply with all laws.
NOTE: If have a filter pump, refer to the pump’s manual for instructions.
NOTE: The ladder must match the pool size and should to be used only for entering and exiting the pool. It is forbidden
to exceed the permitted payload of the ladder. Check regularly if the ladder is properly assembled.
Bestway Inflatables will not be responsible for damage caused to the pool due to mishandling or failure to follow these
1. Lay out all parts and check that you have the correct quantities as listed in the components list. If you are missing any
part do not assemble the pool, contact Bestway Customers Service.
2. Spread out the pool and make sure the pool is right side up, let it sit exposed to direct sunlight for 1 hour or more so
that the pool is more flexible during set up.
3. Turn the pool so the drain valve is near the area where your plan to drain the water.
ATTENTION: Do not drag the pool on the ground in order to avoid puncturing from sharp objects.
The base or bottom of the pool should be laid out properly (flat without wrinkles).NOTE:
For 5.49m x 1.22m (18’ x 48”) pools, please refer to the connection valve installation on following page.
4. Insert the blue stopper plug into the inlet and outlet on the wall of the pool from the inside of the pool.
5. Inflate the top ring of the pool with an air pump (not included). Ensure the safety valve is closed securely after
ATTENTION: Do not use high pressure air hose or over inflate the top ring, it should be slightly stiff to the touch.
Hot temperatures cause air to expand the ring and may cause damage. Leave some room for expansion. NOTE:
Please see FAQ’s for additional information.
6. Ensure drain valve is firmly closed. Smooth out the bottom.
7. Put 1” to 2” water in the pool to cover the floor. Once pool floor is slightly covered, gently smooth out all wrinkles.
Start in the center of the pool and work your way clockwise to the outside.
Connection Valve Assembly
For 5.49m x 1.22m (18’ x 48”) pool model
1. Screw the Debris Screen onto the Connector. (See Fig. 2)
2. From inside the pool, insert this assembled Unit to the pool’s inlet A and outlet B. (See Fig. 3)
NOTE: Ensure the Gasket is properly in place on the assembled Unit inside of the pool liner.
Never add chemicals to pool while it is occupied. Consult a specialist pool supply retailer to ensure correct chemical
Always keep the pool water clean.
Pool water should be tested regularly to ensure it is optimal for safe and enjoyable use throughout the season.
Household pets should be kept clear of pool area to avoid structural damage to pool.
Surround your pool with a fence and ensure the gate is kept closed at all times.
Cover the pool when it is not in use.Neither children nor adults can be seen inside the pool if the cover is in use.
Remove cover completely when in use.
A working electronic detector should be installed to alert you if someone has entered the pool area.
Under no circumstances should this equipment replace an adult’s nearby supervision.
Do not leave ladder in pool when pool is unattended. Remember to empty and store the pool during the winter times and
if the pool is not used.
Only use Bestway accessories with Bestway pools.
Properly maintain your pool in order to increase life span and safe use. (See Pool Maintenance Section)
Do not operate pump while pool is in use.
Forbid the access of the pool in case of damage of the filter pump.
Renew the water regularly.
Do not put the empty pool on the ground.
Do not call near the pool, avoid neglected supervision due to calling.
Only persons older than 18 years of age can manipulate electrical accessories; they must conform to the appropriate
safety principles of occupational safety and must be qualified to carry out the tasks on the electrical installation in
accordance with any corresponding national regulations and standards.
Do not bathe at night or if there is poor lighting.
Fighting and violence is forbidden in the swimming pool.
Under no circumstances modify parts of the swimming pool. Do not make holes in the swimming pool, are in the steps of
the ladder.
All equipment should be inspected frequently for signs of deterioration, corrosion, broken parts or other hazards which
may cause injury.
Remember to reapply sunscreen protection regularly and always after swimming.
Failure to follow these instructions can result in property damage, injury or death, especially for children.
Failure to comply with maintenance instructions may lead to serious health hazards, especially for children.
Learn the necessary rescue operations, especially those relating to rescuing children.
Rescue equipment should be located near the pool and the supervising adult should be fully trained to use it.
Rescue equipment should include but not limited to items such as coastguard approved ring buoy with attached rope
and strong, rigid Rescue Pole of at least 3.66m (12’).
Post emergency numbers including:
• Fire (France 18)
• Police
Ambulance (France 15)
• Poison Control Hotline
• Full home address
Keep a cordless water-resistant phone nearby pool during use.
In case of an accident:
• Take all the children out of
the water immediately.
• Call for emergency support
and follow their
• Replace wet clothing with dry clothing.
Watch and react! When supervising children stay close at hand and always be alert.
Teach your children to swim as soon as possible.
All filtering systems are compliant with installation standard NF C 15-100 stating that any electrical appliance located
less than 3.5 meters from the pool and freely accessible must only have a 12V supply. Any electrical appliance with a
220V mains supply must be located at least 3.5 meters from the edge of the pool. Always ask the manufacturer for
advice before making any change to one or more components of the filtering system(for France only).
3.66 m x 91 cm
(12’ x 36’’)
To be placed on the ground
Dimension Installation Type KitType
57164 Ladder Filtration System Drain System
Ground Cloth Pool Cover Maintenance Kit
4.57 m x 1.07 m
(15’ x 42’’)
To be placed on the ground
57023 Ladder Filtration System Drain System
Ground Cloth Pool Cover Maintenance Kit
3.66 m x 91 cm
(12’ x 36’’)
To be placed on the ground
57166 Ladder Filtration System Drain System
Ground Cloth Pool Cover Maintenance Kit
Ladder Filtration System Drain System
Ground Cloth Pool Cover Maintenance Kit
3.66 m x 91 cm
(12’ x 36’’)
To be placed on the ground
57142 Ladder Filtration System Drain System
Ground Cloth Pool Cover Maintenance Kit
4.57 m x 91 cm
(15’ x 36’’)
To be placed on the ground
57144 Ladder Filtration System Drain System
Ground Cloth Pool Cover Maintenance Kit
4.57 m x 91 cm
(15’ x 36’’)
To be placed on the ground
57124 Ladder Filtration System Drain System
Ground Cloth Pool Cover Maintenance Kit
4.57 m x 91 cm
(15’ x 36’’)
To be placed on the ground
57082 Ladder Filtration System Drain System
Ground Cloth Pool Cover Maintenance Kit
4.57 m x 1.07 m
(15’ x 42’’)
To be placed on the ground
57127 Ladder Filtration System Drain System
Ground Cloth Pool Cover Maintenance Kit
4.57 m x 1.07 m
(15’ x 42’’)
To be placed on the ground
57084 Ladder Filtration System Drain System
Ground Cloth Pool Cover Maintenance Kit
4.57 m x 1.22 m
(15’ x 48’’)
To be placed on the ground
57148 Ladder Filtration System Drain System
Ground Cloth Pool Cover Maintenance Kit
4.57 m x 1.22 m
(15’ x 48’’)
To be placed on the ground
57150 Ladder Filtration System Drain System
Ground Cloth Pool Cover Maintenance Kit
5.49 m x 1.22 m
(18’ x 48’’)
To be placed on the ground
57212 Ladder Filtration System Drain System
Ground Cloth Pool Cover Maintenance Kit
5.49 m x 1.22 m
(18’ x 48’’)
To be placed on the ground
57213 Ladder Filtration System Drain System
Ground Cloth Pool Cover Maintenance Kit
4.57 m x 1.22 m
(15’ x 48’’)
To be placed on the ground
57242 Ladder Filtration System Drain System
Ground Cloth Pool Cover Maintenance Kit
4.57 m x 91 cm
(15’ x 36’’)
To be placed on the ground
57018 Ladder Filtration System Drain System
Ground Cloth Pool Cover Maintenance Kit
4.57 m x 91 cm
(15’ x 36’’)
To be placed on the ground
To be placed on the ground
Filtration System Drain System
Ground Cloth Pool Cover Maintenance Kit
To be placed on the ground
Ladder Filtration System Drain System
Ground Cloth Pool Cover Maintenance Kit
To be placed on the ground
Filtration System Drain System
Ground Cloth Pool Cover Maintenance Kit
Ladder Filtration System Drain System
Ground Cloth Pool Cover Maintenance Kit
To be placed on the ground
Ladder Filtration System Drain System
Ground Cloth Pool Cover Maintenance Kit
To be placed on the ground
Ladder Filtration System Drain System
Ground Cloth Pool Cover Maintenance Kit
To be placed on the ground
Ladder Filtration System Drain System
Ground Cloth Pool Cover Maintenance Kit
To be placed on the ground
Ladder Filtration System Drain System
Ground Cloth Pool Cover Maintenance Kit
To be placed on the ground
Ladder Filtration System Drain System
Ground Cloth Pool Cover Maintenance Kit
To be placed on the ground
Product Description
2.44 m x 66 cm
(8’ x 26’)
2.44 m x 66 cm
(8’ x 26’)
2.44 m x 66 cm
(8’ x 26’)
3.05 m x 76 cm
(10’ x 30’’)
3.05 m x 76 cm
(10’ x 30’’)
3.05 m x 76 cm
(10’ x 30’’)
3.66 m x 76 cm
(12’ x 30’’)
3.66 m x 76 cm
(12’ x 30’’)
3.66 m x 76 cm
(12’ x 30’’)
Stopper plug x 2
Except 5 49 m x 1.22 m .
(18’ x 48”) model
#F4D019B-03A (blue)
#F4H019B-03A (grey)
#F4A019B-03A (white)
Control Valve
Control Valve Gasket
Connector Nut
Debris Screen
5.49 m x 1.22 m (18’ x48”) model only


Márka: Bestway
Kategória: Föld feletti medence
Modell: Fast Set 57009

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